14 pensamientos sobre "sarah elizabeth slutsky

  1. Hey Nicola!
    Beautiful work! Are the reflections at 00:52 in camera or did you postpro them?
    Keep up the good work, Simon

  2. Dear Nikola!
    I added your video to my new group TechnoPoeticalBeauty, where I’d like to discuss the poetic potentials of web video!
    Would appreciate to see you there!
    Salud, Simon

  3. ugh, unbelievable. the level of romanticism here can not simply be expressed verballyher eyes speak volumes. so fucking amazing, and incredibly sensual, to put it lightly.

  4. you are killing them nikola.. you are killing them..:)
    the feeling that it emits is..mmmmm..
    u know
    Brooklyn approves this.. 🙂

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