5 pensieri su "Brie H. Videtorial

  1. this close up cam work is what i would like to go with….

    not just because the shapes of this model really is what is written in my genes you know….what i dream about

    if you allow me to tell…., you could have more to the music selection:

    for Alexa, you selected a perfect tune for example

    and i liked some of your other vids too but….not always the music……

    sure i might be biased and of course subjective, but i have had more fun watching this vid to the following tune:


    and that is a nice fashion vid too……

    more climactic, focused…….and your vid going well with it, is continuous climax……… 😉 even trancy in my opinion……fashion trip 🙂

    (also had top quality moments with the Alexa vid and this tune: http://grooveshark.com/#/s/Toylove/3f6WqB?src=5 ………..looping the vidand in fact the tune as well…..because she is such a spectacular model and that tune opens your eyes just to itcheers!)

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